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Job-matching 4 a future-fit career
Are you looking for a job, an internship or maybe you want to do practical experience in a field of the future? You’ve come to the right place! Here you will find a multitude of opportunities for your career in economics. Your career is our priority! Make your profile and apply to the right ads for you.
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Job-matching 4 a future-fit business
Cauți persoanele potrivite pentru echipa ta? Aici ai șansa să îți cunoști viitorii angajați. Practica pentru studenți, internshipurile și stagiile de practică pentru absolvenții de studii universitare reprezintă un instrument eficient de recrutare, care îți permite să observi îndeaproape care sunt aptitudinile și abilitățile candidaților. Formează noi profesioniști și construiește-ți o echipă fit for future!
Priority Axis 6: Education and skills
Thematic objective 10: Investing in education, training and vocational training in order to acquire skills and lifelong learning
Specific objective 6.13: Increase the number of university and non-university tertiary education graduates who find a job as a result of access to learning activities at a potential job / research / innovation, with a focus on potentially competitive economic sectors identified according to the CNS and smart specialization areas according to SNCDI
Contract no. 21074 / 14.09.2020
Beneficiary: Body of Expert Accountants and Certified Accountants from Romania
The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or the Government of Romania
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